“Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone..."
- Mark 16:15

About Us


Fulfill the commandment of the Lord and go and make disciples of all nations. How? Putting on the character of Christ and helping every soul that the Lord brings to us to put on Christ's character.


It is OUR VISION from the Lord to reach, teach, train, and send those who are called according to His purpose.  WE BELIEVE that God has given us a ministry team that will help us reach this vision, organize it and fulfill it with the help of God.  We believe that every member of this ministry will develop their God given talents and together we will achieve what the Word of God defines as "Spiritual Success"!

God has given us a vision with international extent, impacting and reaching nations for His name and for His glory.  We believe that the God who gives the vision will also give the provision.

The vision the Lord has given us includes millions of people. Yes, we have said millions! How? With the help and direction of God, fulfilling our purpose for his kingdom, and even now we give Him all of the glory, the honor and the praise.  For His is the power, the dominion, the majesty, the lordship, for all things exist because of Him and were created by Him for Him and for His delight we exist!


We will dedicate all of our efforts, talents, and resources to the making of disciples of Jesus, with Jesus Himself being the teacher and we co-laborers with Him.

It is our goal to see hearts transformed and lives changed one at a time. We will endeavor to see souls being transformed by believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, they might have life by the power of His name!